Friday, June 25, 2010

On a Paroo Billabong and on to Gundabooka

After Wanaaring we turned north towards Hungerford looking for a nice camp on the Paroo. And in the gathering dusk, we found a great billabong just off the road. It appeared to be a bit of an impromptu boat ramp with a big area of lighter, slightly less clinging clay making a little road into the water. We three vehicles parked around the ‘boat ramp’ and after eating the results of a marvelous damper bake-off, we retired.

At 11.30 PM some spotlighting boys blundered into our camp, shining their million candle-power searchlight into every nook and cranny. Hey are you guys reading this?!! We weren’t exactly impressed.
But our boisterous visitors departed as quickly as they came, leaving some big 30-30 cartridge cases as a calling card – that being an excellent pig caliber. I guess we were camped in the middle of their preferred pig shooting range.

Next morning the billabong was resplendent in the rising sunlight – as these pics will attest. We had a really nice 1 km walk around the water, seeing a variety of dotterels, herons, egrets and ibis – including the endangered glossy ibis.

A glossy ibis -honest! Not the world's greatest photo, but it is endangered

As usual with areas flooded by inland rivers, the water was alive with tiny insects and crustaceans – a dotterel’s version of lobster.

Heading off towards Bourke and Gundabooka, we passed through a depressing area where the trees had been poisoned – hopefully the culprit will be seeing the Environment Dept in court soon.

Gundabooka had some neat birds and other creatures. Mulga parrots so bright it was like there was a light inside the bird; crested bellbirds with their punk mohawk haircuts and a 'did you get drunk?' call and this amazing little red-caped robin.
The robin owned the camping area and was happy to sit within feet of the campers.
As it got later and colder, he fluffed his feathers up more and more - finally looking like an exquisitely decorated ping pong ball - as delicate and beautiful as the surrounding mulga scrub was tough and spiky.

Ahh the desert - you gotta love it.

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