Monday, June 21, 2010

In the footsteps of Strzelecki

Today we followed Polish explorer Strzelecki's steps northwards from Arkaroola into the desert that bears his name.

This is one of the little waterways that meander across the plain. Most had water in them after all the rain in March.

And they didn't look too bad in the sunset, with more rain threatening in the background.

A bit of desert washing.
Red gums must be the ultimate survivors. They bordered every desert stream - providing a biological beacon to the possibility of getting a drink.

Drinks on Strzelecki Creek at sunset.

Not a bad view huh?

Michael tentatively examines the camp oven.
The results?.......


With all the rain, every hollow tree held a breeding pair of zebra finches or budgies.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I invite you also to the English version of this website. You will find there a lot of information about the conquest of Mt Kosciuszko the highest peak of Australia, and about sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki the explorer who gave the mountain its name. Thanks.
